Your objective is to drive the vehicle safely on the road, using the information to aid you on your drive. 

You will be using the WASD keys on your keyboard to move the van which in real life would be the car's steering wheel.

Continue driving until you reach the endpoint or press N to continue to the next scenario. 

W - Forward

A - Steer left

D - Steer Right

S - Reverse

Space - Brake 

Press R to RESET

Press for Instructions

After each run, head back to the survey to complete the feedback form. 

Made withUnity


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(Only switch to specific scenarios that you have already completed to ensure testing is in shuffled order)

If you need to run any of the scenarios again, press:

1 - Virtual Boulards - Mountain

2 - Warning Sign - Mountain

3 - Bird's Eye - Mountain

4 - TyreDistance - Mountain

5 - Control - Bridge

6 - Van Visualisation - Bridge

7 - Dimension Square - Bridge

8 - Signage - Bridge

9 - Windshield Warning - Bridge

0 - Control - Mountain